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College of Information and Communications

Faculty and Staff

Jennifer E. Moore, Ph.D.

Title: Associate Professor
Department: School of Information Science
College of Information and Communications
Office: Davis College
1501 Greene Street
Columbia, S.C. 29208
LinkedIn: My LinkedIn profile
Jennifer Moore


B.A., English, University of Texas at Austin  
M.S.I.S., Information Studies, University of Texas at Austin
Ph.D., Information Studies, University of Texas at Austin


Prior to entering academia, Jennifer Moore was an elementary school librarian and an 8th grade English/language arts teacher.


Libraries Ready to Code, Phase II Faculty Fellowship Recipient from the American Library Association and Google Partnership Project, Libraries Ready to Code: 2017


Moore's recent scholarly works include evidence-based practice in school libraries, librarians navigating their duties to young readers within restrictive political mandates for social media, integrating computational thinking into Library and Information Science curriculum and self-censorship in school libraries. Her research on data literacy leadership, computational thinking, and evidence-based practice has been supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Grants and Funded Research

Co-Principal Investigator. 08/23-07/26. Demonstrating with Data: An Evidence-based Practice Curriculum for School Librarians. Grant # RE-254834-OLS-23 IMLS Laura Bush 21st Century Library Program Grant. Awarded $249,999.

Co-Principal Investigator. 09/19 – 08/21. Integrating Computational Thinking into LIS Youth Services Courses. Laura Bush 21st Century Library Program Grant. IMLS Grant# RE-12-19-0094-19. Awarded $150,000.

Co-Principal Investigator. 04/18 – 10/19. Preparing Librarians for Data Literacy Leadership. Laura Bush 21st Century Library Program Grant. IMLS Grant# RE-97-18-0109-18. Awarded $45,598.


Moore's primary goal as an educator is to guide her students along their paths to becoming successful future ready librarians. To do so, she synthesizes LIS literature, best teaching practices, assessments aligned with student learning outcomes and a personal drive to engage in continuous improvement, thus resulting in students gaining knowledge and skills applicable to their practice as librarians. She has taught graduate-level courses on instructional technology in school libraries, school library management and program development, pedagogy in school libraries, youth literature and internships in school libraries.

Recent Publications

Evans, S., Moore, J., Molina, L., Smith, D., Tudor, A., & Schutlz-Jones, B. (2024 forthcoming). From book trailer to BookTok: Engaging readers through digital literacies. In P. Dalrymple, H. Todd, L. Marquardt, & C. Wanjala (Eds.), Libraries Empowering Society through Digital Literacy. De Gruyter Saur.

Moore, J., & Tudor, A. (in press). To add or not to add: An examination of self-censoring behaviors among school librarians. School Library Research.  

Kimmel, S., Moore, J., Morris, R., Church, A., & Ewbank, A. (2023). School Libr*: A review of published research articles from 2019. School Library Research. (*Top school library journal) (pdf)

Tudor, A., Moore, J., & Byrne, S. (2023). Silence in the stacks: An exploration of self-censorship in high school libraries. School Libraries Worldwide, 28(1), 1-25. (*Top school library journal)

Moore, J. , Cahill, M., DiScala, J., & Wang, W. (2023). “We collect TONS of data… we report what we think our community cares the most about… we learn so much from it:” School librarians’ evidence collection and sharing practices. LIBRI, 73(1), 63-75.


Moore has an extensive service record in LIS, including serving as an elected member of the International Federation of Library Associations Information Literacy Section, the International Association of School Librarianship Research SIG co-chair, an 2021 IASL Annual Conference Planning Committee member, a Texas Library Association’s Program Planning Committee member for the 2018 Conference. She also has been a member of of multiple LIS professional organizations and serves at the departmental, college, and university level on various committees.

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