Media Buying
If you need help planning and executing a campaign, the Division of Communications
and Marketing can connect you with a vendor whose expertise and services best align
with your needs. We work with several vendors who are pre-approved by the Purchasing
Office to work at a pre-negotiated rate, so getting them up to speed and working hard
to meet your needs is easy and expedient. Contact your college communicator to get the conversation started.
Paid Social Media Content
There are two common types of university-related paid content deployed in social media, each with unique requirements:
- University-level paid social media campaigns — multiple paid posts on the same topic over a period of time, as opposed to single boosted posts — must be approved by Communications and Marketing and can be submitted for approval using the Paid Social Approval Request form.
- Unit-level paid social media campaigns or individual sponsored posts do not require approval from Communications and Marketing to purchase ads but are asked to submit content via the Paid Social Approval Request form to ensure content aligns with university brand standards. Communications and Marketing is also available to assist units with development of effective unit-level paid social media campaigns.
Purchasing and Audit Requirements
Once approved, ads can be purchased on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using your Purchasing
card (P-card). The Purchasing Office requires that you keep your approval documentation
from Communications and Marketing with your invoice or receipt from the social platform
for auditing purposes.
Sharing Campaign Results
Please share performance and metrics from any concluded media campaign with Communications and Marketing. Your strategies, results and insight can help fellow university communicators plan and deploy effective paid campaigns based on best practices and time-tested guidance.