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Ad Team

Each year, a South Carolina student team faces a real client challenge and tough competitors from across the country. We call it Ad Team. The American Advertising Federation calls it the National Student Advertising Competition (NSAC). 

The competition provides a case study outlining a brand’s history and its current advertising situation. Then, go! Students research the brand and its competition, identify problems, analyze issues and dig for insights. Team members organize, execute and present a complete integrated communications campaign — from situation analysis to marketing strategy, ideas from creative strategy to execution, concepts for traditional and nontraditional media, sales promotions and public relations, a budget, and post-campaign analysis.

Mountains and months of work are culled to a 24-page plans book by late March. In April, ad teams around the country “pitch” their campaigns to a panel of judges in district challenges; 16 first-place winners move on to semi-finals and national presentations. (We’ve won the district competition 18 times.)

You don’t have to be a genius. All it takes is passion, commitment, drive and a little competitive spirit. 

Ad Team Benefits

  • Terrific experience in a real world ad agency setting
  • A great piece of work to show and experience to relay to a prospective
  • Participation in a nationally-renowned program
  • A better understanding of yourself, your skills, and how to work under pressure 
  • A trip to the district competition and chance to network with industry professional
  • If we win district, a trip to the national semi-final and national final.
  • Ad Team members are typically among our most successful graduates — and usually the first to land great jobs at competitive agencies.

Ad Team Drawbacks

  • Standards are high. Expectations are high.
  • The team meets outside of class to understand the case, conduct primary and secondary research as well as produce and finalize competition materials.
  • Only four or five students can be on the presentation team.
  • The workload exceeds that of an ordinary course.
  • Excellent time-management and communication skills are required — it can get INTENSE.

High risk/high reward. Remember, ad team students are those who get the best jobs after graduation.

When does the Ad Team meet?

Students will register for two courses: JOUR 598 - (Brand Communications Practicum/Competition) and JOUR 518 - (Directed Independent Studies).

Once the team is selected, additional meeting times will be set based on mutual availability — for the team as a whole, as well as for each "department." As deadlines approach, it may be necessary for extended meeting times.  


The application deadline is Thursday, Oct. 15, 2024 for the Spring 2025 Ad Team.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
