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Journalism and Mass Communications

Thesis and Dissertation

M.A./Ph.D. students need to take one hour of thesis credit (M.A.) or three hours of dissertation credit (Ph.D.) in the semester before they begin work on their actual approved thesis/dissertation.

The purpose of this credit is to work with your committee to develop an approved proposal and a calendar for completing the thesis/dissertation. No later than the end of the first six weeks of the semester in which students register for the initial credit(s), students must submit to the School's Graduate Office a calendar for completing the proposal.

The proposal is due no later than two weeks before the end of the semester. Students failing to submit an approved proposal by the deadline will receive an "unsatisfactory" for the credit hour(s).

Please submit the appropriate cover sheet along with a copy of your proposal to the Graduate Student Services Office.


After discussing the dates and times with your committee, you must submit the appropriate request form at least two weeks prior to the defense date. 
You should take the appropriate form with you to your defense for your committee to complete.  After your chair and each committee member have signed the form, you should submit the form to Dr. Kim for his signature.  The completed form should be submitted to the Graduate Student Services Office to be added to your student file. 

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
