Onboarding Checklist
Follow the Supervisor's Role on the Onboarding Checklist to ensure critical supervisor and employee tasks are accomplished.
Onboarding is more than just planning for a new employee's first day. It is an investment in employee retention and productivity.
Supervisors play a pivotal role in ensuring employees receive a welcoming, consistent and equitable onboarding experience at UofSC. Employees need to accomplish critical tasks to finalize their hire and pre-board into our HR/Payroll system. Similarly, there are tasks the supervisor needs to accomplish to prepare for their new employee and provide them with the information and feedback they need to be engaged and effective during their first year.
The following tools support supervisor and employee success:
Follow the Supervisor's Role on the Onboarding Checklist to ensure critical supervisor and employee tasks are accomplished.
Provide step-by-step technical assistance to employees throughout the onboarding process with the supervisor and employee onboarding Job Aids.
Monitor onboarding deadlines to ensure timely completion of onboarding tasks.
Login to Employee Self Service, then use the drop down menu at the top center of the page to see information about your direct reports and monitor their completion of onboarding tasks.
It is imperative that new employees complete the assigned tasks promptly to prevent any delays in system access, pay and benefits enrollment.
Remind new employees to click the “Mark Complete” button for each reviewed and completed onboarding task or the task will report as incomplete in the system and could trigger reminders.
New employees have a lot of questions. Encourage them to visit the new employee guide for information on how to get started in their new position.