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Arnold School of Public Health

Our Faculty & Staff

Brie Turner-McGrievy, Ph.D., RD

Title: Professor
Deputy Director, SmartState Technology Center to Promote Healthy Lifestyles
Department: Health Promotion, Education and Behavior
Arnold School of Public Health
Phone: 803-777-3932
Fax: 803-777-6290
Office: Discovery Building 1 552
915 Greene Street

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Curriculum Vitae
Lab website: BRIE Lab

Brie Turner McGrievy

Research and Teaching Interests

Dr. Turner-McGrievy's research focuses on discovering ways to help people eat healthier, lose weight, and prevent chronic disease. To achieve this goal, she explores ways to use emerging technology to assist with dietary self-monitoring, physical activity tracking, and provision of social support. In addition, her research focuses on dietary approaches that do not require dietary self-monitoring, such as the vegan and vegetarian diets.


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
