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College of Pharmacy

Faculty and Staff

Brianne L. Dunn, Pharm.D.

Title: Associate Dean, Outcomes Assessment and Accreditation
Associate Professor
Department: Clinical Pharmacy and Outcomes Sciences (CPOS)
College of Pharmacy
Phone: 803-777-4713
Office: College of Pharmacy
715 Sumter Street - CLS 109A
Columbia, SC 29208
Brianne Dunn portrait


Pharm.D.  Medical University of South Carolina, 2008

Critical Care Residency, Medical University of South Carolina
Pharmacy Practice Residency, Medical University of South Carolina


Brie Dunn, Pharm.D., is the Associate Dean for Outcomes Assessment & Accreditation and a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy. Dr. Dunn completed her Doctor of Pharmacy degree in addition to a Pharmacy Practice and Critical Care Residency at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston. She has received multiple recognitions for excellence in teaching, including the 2014 American College of Clinical Pharmacy New Educator of the Year, the 2015 University of South Carolina Clinical Practice Teaching Award and the 2016 inaugural University of Sout Carolina Garnet Apple Award for Teaching Innovation.

In addition to her administrative role, Dr. Dunn teaches a variety of cardiology and critical care topics at the college and serves as faculty advisor for the Phi Lambda Sigma Leadership Society Zeta chapter. She is active in local, state and national pharmacy organizations and is a past recipient of the South Carolina Society of Health-System Pharmacists George D. Schwerin Mentor Award.

Research Interests

  • Educational technologies
  • Programmatic assessment
  • Scholarship of teaching and interprofessional education

Awards & Honors

  • P3 Teacher of the Year, USC College of Pharmacy, 2022, 2023
  • P2 Teacher of the Year, USC College of Pharmacy, 2022, 2024
  • Garnet Apple Award for Teaching Innovation, University of South Carolina, 2016
  • Clinical Practice Teaching Award, University of South Carolina, 2015
  • New Educator of the Year, American College of Clinical Pharmacy, 2014


 Dunn BL, Page R. Acute coronary syndrome. Koda-Kimble and Young’s Applied Therapeutics: The Clinical Use of Drugs, 11thed. Wolters Kluwer 2017.

Hammond DA, Oyler D, Branan TN, Barletta J, Bolesta S, Dunn BL, Haney JS, Juang P, Kane-Gill S, Kiser T, Shafeeq H, Skaar D, Smithburger pL, Swanson J, Taylor JL, Bailey BJ, Painter JT, Devlin J for the POLS Network. Perceived motivating factors and barriers for the completion of postgraduate training among American pharmacy students. Am J Pharm Educ 2017;81(5):1-13.

Love BL, Dunn BL, Darby AG, Mouratev GI. Dabigatran associated esophagitis. J S C Med Assoc 2016;112(3):226-227.

Rosemond TN, Blake C, Buff SM, Blake EW, Dunn BL, Browne T, Bell BA, Iachini AL. Sensitizing future health professionals to determinants of childhood obesity. Am J Prev Med2016;51(1):106-113.

Iachini AL, Dunn BL, Blake C, Blake EW. Evaluating the perceived impact of an interprofessional childhood obesity course on competencies for collaborative practice. J Interprof Care2016;30(3):394-396.

 Shrader S, Dunn BL, Blake E, Phillips C. Incorporating standardized colleagues in a clinical assessment course and evaluating the impact on interprofessional communication. Am J Pharm Educ 2015;79(4):1-8.

Sutton SS, Quidley AM, Bland CM, Dunn BL. Sepsis and septic shock. In Sutton SS. Naplex Review Guide, 2nded. McGraw-Hill 2015.

 Bland C, Sutton SS, Dunn BL. What are the latest recommendations for managing severe sepsis and septic shock? JAAPA2014;27:15-19.

Bland C, Bookstaver B, Lu Z, Dunn BL, Rumley K. Musculoskeletal safety outcomes of patients receiving Daptomycin with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors. Antimicrob Agents Chemother2014;58:5726-5731.

 Bennett CL, Jacob S, Dunn BL, et al. Ticlopidine-associated ADAMTS13 activity deficient thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura in 22 persons in Japan: a report from the Southern Network on Adverse Reactions (SONAR). Br J Haematol2013;161(6):896-8.

 Jacob S, Dunn BL, Qureshi ZP, et al. Ticlopidine-, clopidogrel-, and prasugrel-associated thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura: A twenty-year systematic review of a serious adverse hematologic toxicity associated with essential cerebro-cardiovascular therapy.  Semin Thromb Hemost 2012;38(8):845-53.

Dunn BL, Teusink AC, Taber DJ, Hemstreet BA, Uber L, Weimert NA.  Management of hypertension in renal transplant patients: A comprehensive review of non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic treatment strategies.  Ann Pharmacother 2010;44(7-8):1259-70.

 Dunn BL, Garner S, Spencer AP, Ragucci KR. Survey of colleges of pharmacy to assess preparation and promotion of residency training.  Am J Pharm Educ2010;74(3):1-5.

Dunn BL, Uber WE, Ikonomidis JS.  Topical thrombin preparations and their use in cardiac surgery. Open Access Surgery2009;2:15-34.

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