Advanced Manufacturing
Our research in thermoplastics, induction welding, advanced composite manufacturing, non-destructive evaluation and composite 3D printing are helping shape the future of aerospace.
The breadth of our research is spread out across a variety of disciplines with strengths in six key areas including advanced manufacturing, artificial intelligence, energy storage and distribution, intelligent infrastructure, nuclear energy and transforming health care.
Our research in thermoplastics, induction welding, advanced composite manufacturing, non-destructive evaluation and composite 3D printing are helping shape the future of aerospace.
AI is becoming an integral part of our daily lives and includes research projects in every field. At UofSC applied AI is fueling research across campus, from journalism to public health.
The demand to intelligently store and deliver energy is increasing daily. We're providing solutions with experts in power electronics, energy distribution, batteries and other fuel cells.
Our college is pushing the boundaries of intelligent infrastructure through novel innovation that leads to implementation. We're also working to extend the useful life of the existing infrastructure across the U.S.
As one of the only nuclear engineering programs in the state, we've invested in finding safe, sustainable, long-term solutions using nuclear energy. Our partnership with the Savannah River National Laboratory gives us access to some of the top facilities and scientist in the world.
With an eye toward digital transformation, personalized health, information security and artificial intelligence, we're finding more efficient ways to deliver highly effective health care to every patient.