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Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing

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    Dean's Note: Transforming Health Care

    At the University of South Carolina, we are looking to the future by applying principles of digital transformation to the entire U.S. health care industry.

Transforming Health Care

With an eye toward digital transformation, personalized health, information security and artificial intelligence, we're finding more efficient ways to deliver highly effective health care to every patient.

Transforming Health Care News

Transforming Health Care Experts and Research

Transforming Health Care,Artificial Intelligence,Computer Science and Engineering Artificial Intelligence Institute Artificial Intelligence Homay Valafar Artificial Intelligence, computer science, AI, cse
Transforming Health Care,Integrated Information Technology,Artificial Intelligence Human-Computer Interaction and User Experience Laboratory (HCI/UX) Human-Computer interaction; UX/UI design; Health IT; Behavioral information security; Artificial intelligence; Computer-mediated education and training Wu, Dezhi integrated information technology, iit
Mechanical Engineering,Computer Science and Engineering,Artificial Intelligence,Transforming Health Care Machine Learning and Evolution Laboratory Deep learning; Machine learning; Materials discovery; Bioinformatics, Health informatics; Inverse design; Protein design Hu, Jianjun computer science, mechanical engineering, cse
Intelligent Infrastructure,Transforming Health Care,Civil and Environmental Engineering Structural Dynamics and Intelligent Infrastructure Laboratory Structural dynamics; Model updating; Structural health monitoring; Earthquake engineering; Structural control Caicedo, Juan civil, environmental, SDII


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