David Fuente, Water and Sanitation in Global Perspective Assistant Professor School of Earth, Ocean & Environment
David Fuente, an environmental economist and urban planner who works on global water
issues, primarily in East Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia, will use this grant
to develop a new course focused on global water and sanitation issues. The 500-level
course will be appropriate for upper-level undergraduate and introductory graduate-level
students and will be offered annually beginning in Spring 2019. Building upon the
global health foundations of water and sanitation service delivery, the course will
provide students from a variety of disciplines (public health, environmental science/studies,
global studies, engineering, etc.) with an interdisciplinary introduction to water
and sanitation issues across the globe. In addition to providing students a high-level
introduction to water and sanitation issues across the globe, this course will have
several cross-cutting objectives. Additionally, the course will help students develop
a firm understanding of the public health foundations of water and sanitation service
delivery, and will provide students with an opportunity to apply their emerging disciplinary
knowledge to a pressing global issue at the intersection of public health and development.
Patrick Hickey, International Healthcare: Service Learning in Nicaragua (U290) Clinical Associate Professor College of Nursing Faculty Principal Capstone Scholars Program
Patrick Hickey will expand the development of U290 International Healthcare: Service
Learning in Nicaragua) to expose students enrolled in the Capstone Scholars Program
to the concept of international service learning. This course includes a trip to rural
Nicaragua during the USC Spring Break allowing students to learn a variety of health
care specific skills, which are followed by "real world" clinical scenarios in rural
community clinics/hospitals while they are in-country. In order to effectively support
classroom materials concerning what the students will see and do in rural Nicaragua,
he will utilize the technology of virtual reality (360 degree camera) to illustrate
the types of situations students will be exposed to when in-country. This allows for
the reinforcement of classroom topics and to better prepare the students for the variety
of unique situations and experiences they might encounter with emphasis on those that
may be out of their comfort zones.
Kathryn Luchok, Global Women's Health (ANTH 352) Research Professor, Adjunct Anthropology
Kathryn Luchok used the grant to develop ANTH 352: Global Women’s Health as a new
undergraduate course on Global Women’s Health. This course examines health issues
important in the lives of women around the world and takes a life cycle approach beginning
with issues surrounding the birth of girl babies, continuing through the period of
growth and development, adulthood, including family planning, pregnancy and lactation
and ending with old age. Drawing on cultural, medical and applied anthropology and
public health perspectives, the course will cover the sociocultural landscape of women’s
lives, including the forces that promote and hinder the health and well-being of women
around the globe. Also examined will be programs aimed at improving women’s lives
world-wide. The goal of this course is to provide students with a clearer understanding
of the female life cycle and a greater appreciation for the mental, physical and social
health risks women face on a global scale. The class will be interdisciplinary and
cover policy and political economy issues that impact women’s health, health services
and international funding issues. It also covers a range of social and disease challenges
faced by women and girls around the world. This class will be of interest to students
seeking content in global issues, culture and health and/or women’s health, including
but not limited to those in Anthropology, Global Studies, WGST, Public Health, Medical
Humanities, Nursing, Social Work, Education, Sociology, Political Science and Psychology.
Brooke W. McKeever, Communicating Science, Health and the Environment (JOUR 562) Associate Professor and MMC Program Coordinator School of Journalism and Mass Communications
Brooke McKeever revived, revised, and presented Communicating Science, Health and
the Environment (JOUR 562). The course was offered in the fall of 2018 to all upper-level
majors within our school. The course exposes health issues and health communication practices affecting various countries worldwide
and includes elements of interest to journalism, public relations, advertising, visual
communication, and mass communication majors as well as students majoring in public
health, library and information sciences, sociology, social work, and political science.
This revised course focuses on strategic communication as it relates to health, science
and environmental issues with particular focus on global health issues. Students enrolled
in the course will (1) define health and science communication and articulate why
this type of communication matters in a global society; (2) understand communication
theories, models, and methods that apply to health and science communication; (3)
develop a health intervention or social marketing program that would target a particular
audience about a specific health, science or environmental issue; (4) demonstrate
critical thinking, creative problem solving, and public speaking skills through in-class
exercises, discussions and presentation.
James Thrasher, Certificate of Graduate Study in Global Health (CGSGH) Courses Professor Co-PIs: Edward Frongillo, Christine Blake, Edena Meetz Department of Health Promotion, Education & Behavior Arnold School of Public Health
Jim Thrasher, in collaboration with Drs. Frongillo, Blake, and Meetz, will work to
integrate instructional content on global health issues in the Certificate of Graduate
Study in Global Health (CGSGH) courses. The grant funds will be used to hire a doctoral
level graduate teaching assistant who will coordinate with faculty members to modify
the topics included in these courses and to integrate materials with global health
content, and to select recent pertinent scientific articles and practice materials. The goal of this review and modification is ensure that the content of the courses
is relevant and timely.
Certificate of Graduate Study in Global Health (CGSGH) Courses
- HPEB 748 Community Health Development
- HPEB 620 Nutrition through the Life Cycle
- HPEB 654 Maternal and Child Nutrition
- HSPM 731 Health Care Finance
- HSPM 799 Comparative Health Systems
Myriam E. Torres, Global USC in Costa Rica: Global Health (Several courses included) Clinical Associate Professor Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics Arnold School of Public Health
Myriam Torres goal is to create an integrated public health learning experience for
the students participating in the Global USC in Costa Rica: Global Health. This program started in the summer of 2016 with the intent of establishing a permanent
presence of USC in Costa Rica. The program will offer 5 courses for students while
in Costa Rica, and the opportunity to visit several healthcare facilities and programs
in San Jose and adjacent towns. Since the initiation of the program in 2016, the Epidemiology
course has had an experiential learning component working with data from a nursing
home (Hogar Carlos Maria Ulloa) in San José which included creating an abstract form
to gather data from the medical records of the residents and creating a database in
which to enter data for analysis. This grant will provide funds for faculty members,
from the departments involved, to visit San José and coordinate the students’ experiences
with officers from the Healthcare System in Costa Rica (Caja Costarricense de Seguridad
Social – CCSS). By coordinating and planning the experiences, the students will learn
about team work with others from different disciplines and with public health professionals
from the CCSS in Costa Rica. Additionally, the students will be exposed to one of
Latin America’s more comprehensive healthcare systems. The students through this experiential opportunity will immerse themselves in a public
health prevention campaign where they will learn basic principles of how a preventive
program is run in Latin America.
Global USC in Costa Rica: Global Health (Several courses included)
- PUBH 102: Introduction to Public Health
- EPID 410/700: Principles of Epidemiology
- HPEB 470: Principles of Global Health
- Spanish 360:Spanish for Healthcare Professionals