UAC Advisor Career Ladders
Academic Advisors in the University Advising Center have the opportunity to participate
in a tiered career ladder that partners job responsibility with tenure in the position.
The goal of each career ladder is to provide advisors with a clear path for advancement
in advising positions.
Benefits of a Tiered Career Ladder
The University Advising Center recognizes that academic advisors play a crucial role
in undergraduate retention, timely degree progression, and ultimately student success.
By providing advisors with a clear path for promotional opportunities, the University
Advising Center aims to provide stability in the student experience by retaining academic
advisors in their position. The National Academic Advising Association suggets career ladders have several benefits to both advisors and the institutions and students
they serve.
Benefits to the Advisor/Employee:
- Ability to develop meaningful and ongoing relationships with students in caseload
from year to year
- Mentorship or leadership opportunities such as program management, assessment, and
event coordination
- Improved understanding of the role of an academic advisor
- Clear and transparent path to additional job responsibilities and compensation*
*At the University of South Carolina, changes in compensation requires a unique review and decision from Human Resources and may also be subject to budgetary constraints.
Benefits to the Institution and to Students:
- Retention of Academic Advisors = Consistent student experience
- Career Ladders offer a recruiting edge in the competitive job market
- Ability to accurately estimate salary expenditures and overall budget models for a
given fiscal year
Available Career Ladders in the University Advising Center