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Joseph F. Rice School of Law


Erin Wilson

Title: Director of Training
Department: Excellence in Policing and Public Safety Program (EPPS)
Joseph F. Rice School of Law
Phone: 803-544-1097
Office: 1525 Senate Street
Columbia, SC 29208
Erin Wilson

As the Director of Training for the Excellence in Policing & Public Safety Program, Erin manages the curricular initiatives on- and off-campus. From her ongoing PhD training in Educational Psychology and Research, she uses empirically supported adult learning theories to shape the instructional environment, so that law enforcement and public safety officials can learn effectively and efficiently.

Prior to joining the EPPS team, Erin has worked across the University of South Carolina in several positions, serving students through the Student Success Center, the Capstone Scholars program, the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life, and most recently, the Office of Career & Professional Development at the School of Law. She has also taught Learners and Diversity of Learning, and Introduction to Classroom Assessment, for the College of Education.

After completing her BS degree in Honors Interdisciplinary Studies from The Ohio State University, Erin earned her Master’s in Higher Education and Student Affairs from the University of South Carolina-Columbia.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
