2021 Konduros Leadership Development Program
Friday, January 22, 2021: Law School Room 301*
- 2:00–2:15pm Welcome and Opening Remarks
Professor Jan Baker - 2:15–3:00pm Introduction to Leadership
Dean William Hubbard
Past President, ABA - Judy Perry Martinez
Simon Peragine Smith & Redfearn
Immediate Past President, ABA - 3:00–3:30pm True Colors Assessment Review
2021 Leadership Class Introductions and Orientation
Friday, January 29, 2021: Law School Room 301
- 2:00–3:30pm Session 1: Leadership in Academia
President Bob Caslen
University of South Carolina
Friday, February 5, 2021: Law School Room 301
- 2:30–3:30pm Session 2: Leadership in Municipal Government
Mayor Stephen K. Benjamin
City of Columbia, SC
Friday, February 12, 2021: Law School Room 301
- 2:00–3:30pm Session 3: Leadership in College Athletics
Ray Tanner
Athletics Director, University of South Carolina
Friday, February 19, 2021: Law School Room 301
- 2:00–3:30pm Session 4: Leadership in Cultural Crisis
James Burns
Nelson Mullins
Friday, February 26, 2021: Law School Room 301
- 2:00–3:30pm Session 5: Leadership in Law Practice
James K. Lehman
Nelson Mullins
Friday, March 19, 2021: Law School Room 301
- 2:00–3:30pm Session 6: Leadership in Diversity
Teckla S. Henderson
S.C. Department of Public Safety
Chair, SC Bar Diversity Committee
Friday, March 26, 2021: Law School Room 301
- 2:00–3:30pm Session 7: Leadership in Law Practice
Katherine Dudley Helms
Olgetree Deakins
Friday, April 2, 2021:
- 2:00–3:30pm Certificate Ceremony
Keynote Speaker: Sam Konduros
* In-person attendance is encouraged to facilitate interaction with speakers. However,
students may also attend and participate remotely.