Faculty |
Almor, Amit |
Associate Professor |
Experimental Program Director |
803-777-4302 |
almor@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Armstead, Cheryl A. |
Associate Professor |
803-777-4137 |
armstead@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Banerjee, Meeta |
Assistant Professor |
803-777-4258 |
meeta@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Becker, Kimberly |
Professor |
beckerkd@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Booze, Rosemarie M. |
Professor |
Bicentennial Endowed Chair of Behavioral Neuroscience |
803-777-7570 |
booze@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Bradshaw, Jessica |
Associate Professor |
803-777-4137 |
jbradshaw@sc.edu |
bradshaw, psychology |
Psychology |
Staff |
Brockington, Caitlyn |
Undergraduate Student Advisor |
803-777-7674 |
brockicl@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Brown, Jim |
Adjunct Instructor |
brownjh5@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology Department |
Faculty |
Brown, Michelle |
Assistant Professor |
michellepbrown@sc.edu |
brown, psychology |
Psychology |
Staff |
Callaham, Miriam |
Administrative Coordinator |
803-777-8606 |
callahmi@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Staff |
Carroll, Ellis |
Assistant to the Chair |
803-777-4137 |
eec13@email.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Staff |
Chu, Wendy |
Graduate Student |
wchu@email.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Staff |
Clark, Christine |
Graduate Coordinator |
Department of Psychology |
Faculty |
Coffman, Donna |
Associate Professor |
803-777-4137 |
dcoffman@mailbox.sc.edu |
Quantitative Psychology |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Collier, Tristan |
Instructor |
tcollier@email.sc.edu |
Psychology Department |
Faculty |
Collins, Courtnie |
Research Assistant Professor |
803-777-3978 |
c.collins@sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Conte, Stefania |
Research Assistant Professor |
803-777-1580 |
contes@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Cooper, Dan |
Assistant Professor |
dc47@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Decker, Scott |
Associate Professor |
803-777-2836 |
sdecker@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Desai, Rutvik Harshad |
Professor |
803-777-9029 |
rutvik@sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Edmunds, Sarah |
Assistant Professor |
sredmunds@sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Eftekhar, Azar |
Instructor |
eftekhar@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology Department |
Faculty |
Fairchild, Amanda J. |
Professor |
Associate Department Chair |
803-777-4137 |
afairchi@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Staff |
Flenniken, Sharon |
Business Operations Manager |
803-576-6798 |
sddavis@mailbox.sc.edu |
Department of Psychology |
Faculty |
Flory, Kate |
Professor |
803-777-4304 |
floryk@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Fu, Xiaoxue (Jessie), Ph.D. |
Assistant Professor in Cognitive & Neural Science |
xiaoxuef@mailbox.sc.edu |
Department of Psychology |
Staff |
Glasser, Dianne |
Administrative Specialist II |
803-734-0386 |
glasserd@mailbox.sc.edu |
Department of Psychology |
Faculty |
Goodrum, Nada |
Assistant Professor |
803-576-7809 |
ngoodrum@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Green, Jessica |
Associate Professor |
803-777-4595 |
greenjj3@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Harding, Samuel |
Instructor |
SH138@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology Department |
Faculty |
Harrison, Sayward |
Associate Professor |
803-777-8907 |
harri764@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Harrod, Steven B. |
Professor |
803-777-4373 |
harrods@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Staff |
Heller, Robert |
IT Manager |
803-777-1239 |
hellerre@mailbox.sc.edu |
Department of Psychology |
Faculty |
Hills, Kimberly |
Clinical Professor |
803-777-7616 |
hillskj@mailbox.sc.edu |
Department of Psychology |
Faculty |
Hudac, Caitlin |
Associate Professor |
chudac@mailbox.sc.edu |
autism, psychology, brain, social cognition, social attention, social motivation, genetic condition, infants, children, adolescents, adults |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Huebner, Scott |
Professor |
803-777-4137 |
huebner@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Huynh , Tuyen |
Assistant Professor |
Bridge to Faculty Postdoctoral Scholar |
tuyenh@mailbox.sc.edu |
Department of Psychology |
Faculty |
Kitchen, MiKi |
Senior Instructor |
803-777-6273 |
kitchemm@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Kloos, Bret |
Professor |
Graduate Director |
803-777-2704 |
kloos@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Levens, Neil |
Senior Instructor |
803-777-6751 |
levenssn@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Mactutus, Charles F. |
Professor |
803-777-2825 |
mactutus@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Martin, Pamela |
Professor |
803-576-5788 |
ppmartin@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Massey, Cameron |
Instructor |
cmassey@email.sc.edu |
Psychology Department |
Faculty |
Maydeu-Olivares, Alberto |
Professor |
803-777-6228 |
amaydeu@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
McCall, Mike |
Senior Instructor |
803- 777-7152 |
mccallmw@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
McDaniel, Heather |
Assistant Professor |
hlmcdaniel@sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
McQuillin, Samuel |
Associate Professor |
School Program Director |
803-777-6725 |
mcquills@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Staff |
Miller-Sword, Claire |
Graduate Program Coordinator |
803-777-2312 |
mille572@email.sc.com |
Psychology |
Staff |
Myers, Elizabeth |
Instructor |
MYERS28@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Orlando, Carissa |
Clinical Assistant Professor |
corlando@email.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Palomares, Melanie |
Instructor |
803-777-5453 |
paloma@sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Pavlov, Goran |
Instructor |
pavlovg@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Staff |
Pride, Sharolyn |
Human Resources |
803-777-4263 |
Spride@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Prinz, Ron |
Carolina Distinguished Professor |
Co-Director, Research Center for Child Well-Being |
803-777-3510 |
prinz@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Reynolds, PhD, Alexandria M. |
Undergraduate Program Director |
803.777.7610 |
cooleyam@mailbox.sc.edu |
Department of Psychology |
Faculty |
Richards, John |
Carolina Distinguished Professor |
803-777-2079 |
richards@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Roberts, Jane |
Carolina Distinguished Professor |
Executive Director of the Carolina Autism and Neurodevelopment Research Center |
(803) 576-7834 |
jerobert@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Rorden, Chris |
Professor |
Endowed Chair of Neuroimaging |
803-576-5662 |
rorden@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Schatz, Jeffrey |
Professor |
803-777-4137 |
schatzj@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Serang, Sarfaraz |
Assistant Professor |
sserang@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology Department |
Faculty |
Shi, Dexin |
Associate Professor |
803-576-8502 |
shid@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Shinkareva, Svetlana |
Professor |
803-777-6189 |
shinkareva@sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Steiner, Alex |
Instructor |
steinam@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology Department |
Faculty |
Taylor, Stephen |
Clinical Assistant Professor |
Director, Psychology Services Center |
st4@email.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Tharp, Loren |
Adjunct Instructor |
ryan6@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology Department |
Faculty |
Vahlstrom, Christine |
Instructor |
cvahlstrom@sc.edu |
Department of Psychology |
Faculty |
Vendemia, Jennifer M. C. |
Associate Professor |
803-777-5049 |
vendemia@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Vento, Peter |
Assistant Professor |
pvento@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Wandersman, Abe |
Distinguished Professor Emeritus |
803-777-4137 |
wandersman@sc.edu |
abe, wandersman, psychology |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Wedell, Douglas H. |
Professor |
Director, Institute for Mind and Brain |
803-777-4263 |
wedell@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Weist, Mark |
Professor |
803-777-8438 |
weist@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Wilson-King, Dawn |
Professor |
803-777-8032 |
wilsondk@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Wippold, Guillermo |
Associate Professor |
803-777-4137 |
wippold@mailbox.sc.edu |
wippold, psychology |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Zarrett, Nicole |
Professor |
Department Chair |
803-576-8442 |
zarrettn@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |