Specific Program Goals and Objectives
There are two primary goals and five objectives that are alined with credentialing and certification requirements.
Objective 1: Identity, Function, and Ethical Understanding
Competencies: (a) to understand the roles and functions of school psychologists in school and non-school
settings; (b) to understand the legal and ethical standards that relate to the practice
of professional psychology and school practice; (c) to understand the various employment
contexts for school psychologists, with a particular emphasis on the culture and organization
of schools.
Objective 2: Psychoeducational Assessment
Competencies: (a) to obtain information through behavioral observations, interviews, records, and
community resources that relates to the development of intervention programs for children
with learning and/or behavioral difficulties; (b) to select, administer, score, and
interpret tests of intellectual ability, educational achievement, personality, social-emotional
functioning, perceptual-motor abilities, adaptive behavior, and other relevant skills
and abilities; (c) to interpret and integrate information from a variety of sources
(test and non-test data) to make appropriate diagnostic and intervention decisions
with individuals of different ages, cultural backgrounds, and exceptionalities; (d)
to seek consultation and supervision from other professional psychologists when necessary;
(e) understand the conceptual and statistical underpinning of psychometric testing,
including issues of reliability and validity.
Objective 3: Direct and indirect intervention
Competencies: (a) to develop and evaluate appropriate intervention plans for individuals with learning,
behavioral, and/or mental health challenges; (b) to consult in a collaborative fashion
and demonstrate effective communication and interpersonal skills with teachers, parents,
and others related to the education and mental health of children; (c) to provide
and evaluate direct counseling and therapy treatments in individual and group formats
and for particular diagnostic issues; (d) to formulate, implement, and evaluate systems-level
assessment and intervention programs; (e) develop knowledge and methods of supervision;
(f) exhibit professional values, behaviors, and attitudes in all settings.
Objective 4: Research
Competencies: (a) To develop the capacity to consume, critique, and synthesize research literature;
(b) to demonstrate knowledge of and ability to apply research methods (e.g. sampling,
measurement, design) appropriate for research questions; (c) to demonstrate empirical
skills during recruitment and data collection; (d) to demonstrate basic to advanced
quantitative skills, including those appropriate for conducted research in complex
systems like schools; (e) to demonstrate ability to present research ideas and results
in a written or oral format; (f) to demonstrate awareness of how one’s biases influence
interpretation of the results of one’s own and others’ research; (g) to apply a systems
perspective through the research process; (h) to seek and provide feedback effectively
as a member of a research team; (i) to demonstrate effective interpersonal and communication
skills with participants, community members, and team members; (j) to use and interpret
statistical analyses to describe data, test hypotheses, evaluate measures, and explore
Objective 1: Theory and Research in Core Areas of Psychology
Competencies: In accordance with the APA Standards of Accreditation, the University of South Carolina
School Psychology is designed for students to develop a comprehensive foundation of
knowledge in Discipline-Specific Knowledge, or the core areas of psychological science
and human services psychology practice. These areas include Developmental Psychology,
Social Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Behaviorism and Learning Theory, Biological
Basis of Behavior, Affective Basis of Behavior, Psychological Problems and Disorders,
Diversity Issues in Psychology, History and Systems of Psychology, and Psychological