My main interests are in the history and philosophy of physics. More specifically,
my dissertation focused on the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, Feynman
diagrams, and on the history of modern quantum field theories. I am currently working
on some philosophical aspects of quantum gravity. I investigate the problem of verification for
theories that do not admit spacetime in their fundamental ontology and how to characterize
geometrogenesis as a physical process.
AOS: Philosophy of Physics, History and Philosophy of Science AOC: General philosophy of science, Logic, Ethics
Dissertation: History and Philosophy of Feynman's Electrodynamics: from the Absorber Theory of Radiation to Feynman Diagrams. (Supervisor: Michael Stölzner)
"Feynman’s Space-time View in Quantum Electrodynamics." with Studies in History and
Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics.
93, 136-148. (2022)
"The philosophical underpinning of the absorber theory of radiation." Studies in History
and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics
72, 91-106. (2020)
"Path Integrals and Holism." Foundations of Physics, 50(8), 799-827. (2020) Marc Lange: Because Without Cause: Non-causal Explanations in Science and Mathematics (book review). Journal for General Philosophy of Science. (2018) |
My interests are in Kant's political philosophy, particularly his concept of rights
and state power. I also examine smaller historical figures surrounding Kant, including
conservative reactions to Kant in the late 18th century. I am also interested in 20th
century German legal philosophy, particularly the philosophy of Ernst Cassirer and
Hans Kelsen.
I am currently a Postdoc at the Law School at University of Edinburgh in the project
"Democracy, Rights and the Rule of Law in a Data Driven Society" working on the Legal
and Political Philosophy of AI.
Dissertation: Kant's Naturrecht Feyerabend and Kantian Republicanism.
(Supervosor: Pauline Kleingeld)
Project: "Kant, Kantianism and Morality" at the University of Groningen, Netherlands
"Kant’s Hylomorphic Formulation of Right and the Necessity of the State” (forthcoming)
“Kant and Rehberg on Political Theory and Practice” (2022) British Journal of the
History of Philosophy 30 (4): 566-588.
“Kant’s Duty to Make Virtue Widely Loved” (2022) Kantian Review 27 (2): 195-213.
“Whose Vocation? Which Being?: A.W. Rehberg on the Vocation of the Human Being and
Political Theory” (forthcoming) in Studies in Modern German Philosophy: The Vocation
of the Human Being. Edited by Courtney Fugate and Anne Pollok. Bloomsbury.
“Kant’s Naturrecht Feyerabend, Achenwall and the Role of the State”. (2021) Kant Yearbook
13 (1):49-71.
“History, Freedom, and Normativity in Cassirer”. (2021) In Anne Pollok & Luigi Filieri
(eds.), The Method of Culture. Bologna, Metropolitan City of Bologna, Italy: pp. 167-192.
Emily Mathias is a 2023 Bilinski Fellow and Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Philosophy.
She received her Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from Albion College and her Master
of Arts in Philosophy from Western Michigan University. Her research interests are
in social philosophy and philosophy of education. Emily has been active with the Division
of Student Affairs and Academic Support at USC by participating as the graduate student
representative on the Title IX Implementation Group, working for Substance Abuse Prevention
and Education, and interning for the Office of the Dean of Students. She has also
published work on speech acts, been a guest lecturer for Legal Aspects of Higher Education
course in the Higher Education and Student Affairs graduate program, and participated
in a presentation on the topic of freedom of expression at the National Association
of Student Personnel Administrators 2023 conference.
Dissertation Topic: Resolving Conflicts of Commitment (Supervisor: Brett Sherman)
Publications:"Groundwork for the Moral Evaluation of Speech Acts". Social Philosophy Today v.35,
2019, 129-142.
My research analyzed the ontological assumptions made by scientists when they use
models. I now apply this background to research and develop ontologies within the
information technology industry. In this industry, an ontology is a formal (machine
readable) theory that describes fundamental (domain specific) relationships/entities
for the purpose of information management. A really brief way to describe how these
get used is to 'upgrade' data into information with an implicit structure - i.e. with
a table of employee data, with the right ontology, we can infer that each row is a
person and they are unique, valuable inferences to be able to make algorithmically
when you try to merge this table into a larger system or have millions of entries.
AOS: Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Chemistry
AOC: Formal Logic, Metaphysics, Applied Ethics, Engineering Ethics, Philosophy of Technology Dissertation: Models in Scientific Inquiry, Knowing What We Don’t Know.
(Supervisor: Michael Dickson)
“Model Transfer and Conceptual Progress - tales from chemistry and biology.” Foundations of Chemistry, 22, 43–57 (2020)
“Landing Zones - ground for model transfer in chemistry.” Studies in the History and
Philosophy of Science part A, 77, 21-28 (2019)
My website: https://sites.google.com/site/justinamprice/