Past Colloquia
January 21
Michael Arsenault
UC Berkeley
‘Aristotle on Perception at a Distance’ (flyer [pdf])
January 31
Abigail Breuker
Columbia University
"Plato on how to have more productive conversations" (flyer [pdf])
February 7
Benjamin Keoseyan
Pepperdine University
"The Rule of Law in Kallipolis" (flyer [pdf])
January 19
Rudolf Meer
University of Graz
"Kant on Objects: Approaches to Natural Philosophy" (flyer [pdf])
February 2
Chris Tollefsen
University of South Carolina
"Law and Lawfulness: Genealogy, Jurisprudence and the Thought of Bernard Williams" (flyer [pdf])
February 17
Riana Betzler
San José State University
"The Problem of Isolating and Measuring Empathy"(flyer [pdf])
March 15
Brandon Boesch
Morningside University
"Prognosis and Prediction: Uncertainty Management in Oncology and Meteorology"(flyer [pdf])
September 20
Luvell Anderson
Syracuse University
"Comedic Resistance"(flyer [pdf])
October 11
Jennifer Jhun
Duke University
"The Autonomy of Economics"(flyer [pdf])
October 25
Nicolas Bommarito
Simon Fraser University
"Jainism, Buddhism, and the Ethics of Arguing "(flyer [pdf])
November 8
Matt Strohl
University of Montana
"What’s to Love About Bad Movies?"(flyer [pdf])
January 13
James Shaw
University of Pittsburgh
"A Reduction of Deductive Inference" (flyer [pdf])
February 3
Jay Garfield
Smith College & Harvard Divinity School
"Nature and Norms: A Humean Account of the Sources of Normativity" (flyer [pdf])
February 17
Mike Ridge
University of Edinburgh
"What Grasshopper’s Utopia Teaches Us About Meaning in Life" (flyer [pdf])
March 24 (Rosamond Kent Sprague Lecture)
Rachel Barney
University of Toronto
"The Ethics and Politics of Plato's "Noble Lie" (flyer [pdf])
April 15
Nick Stang
University of Toronto
"Kantian Shifts" (flyer [pdf])
September 8
Jonathan Neufeld
College of Charleston
"Emotional and Ethical Expression in Music" (flyer [pdf])
October 13
Sarah McGrath
Princeton University
"Are There Unknowable Moral Truths" (flyer [pdf])
December 1
Thi Nguyen
University of Utah
"The Social Function of Scoring Systems" (flyer [pdf])
January 31
Marion Boulicault
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Gender, Time and the Measurement of Fertility" (flyer [pdf])
February 11
Christian K. Anderson
UofSC, Department of Educational Leadership and Policies
"Richard T. Greener and “The White Problem”" (flyer [pdf])
April 22
Agnes Callard
The University of Chicago
"What is Free Conversation?" (flyer [pdf])
November 7
Rachel A. Ankeny
The University of Adelaide
"Defending Medical Cases as Abduction" (flyer [pdf])
November 18
Thomas Kelly
Princeton University
"Bias, Perspective, and Introspection" (flyer [pdf])
February 12
J. Brian Pitts
Universities of Lincoln, South Carolina and Cambridge
"Energy Conservation and/or General Relativity" (flyer [pdf])
March 5(Rosamond Kent Sprague Lecture)
Katja Vogt
Columbia University
"Three Euthyphro Problems" (flyer [pdf])
April 16
Aaron Meskin
University of Georgia
"Toward a Third Place Aesthetics: The Experience of Cafes, Coffeeshops, Bars and Pubs"
(flyer [pdf])
July 16
Shawn Standefer
Slovak Academy of Sciences
"The Universal Generalization Problem and Informational Screening"
September 10
Claire Kirwin
Clemson University
How to Decide What to Do (flyer [pdf])
October 15
Trevor Pearce
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Experimental Ethics: Pragmatism, Evolution, and Social Reform (flyer [pdf])
November 5
Suzie Love
Tulane/Georgia State
The Right to Freedom (flyer [pdf])
February 3
Agnes Bolinska
Cambridge University
"The Case for Epistemic Representation"
February 10
Casey Helgeson
Pennsylvania State University
"Why Simpler Computer Simulation Models Can be Epistemically Better for Informing
February 17
Naftali Weinberger
Munich Institute for Mathematical Philosophy
"Measuring Racial Discrimination: A Case Study in Causal Methodology"
February 28
Christopher Bartel
Appalachian State University
"The Myth of the Innocent Ear: Three Debates in Perception and the Experience of Musical
September 4
Chris Cuomo
University of Georgia
Viola Cordova: An American Philosopher for Our Times (flyer [pdf])
October 2
Jennifer Baker
College of Charleston
Behavioral Science and Virtue Ethics (flyer [pdf])
November 6
Robert Miner
Baylor University
"Honesty and Authenticity" (flyer [pdf])
December 11
Gillian Russell
Dianoia Institute of Philosophy, ACU, Melbourne
"Anti-exceptionalism and Feminist Logic?" (flyer [pdf])
February 4
Jonathan Gingerich
University of Washington, St. Louis
“Freedom Beyond Choice” (flyer [pdf])
February 11
Kathryn Lindeman
St. Louis University
"Rawls and Legal Reasons" (flyer [pdf])
February 18
Gregory Robson
University of Arizona
"Justice and Experiments in Living" (flyer [pdf])
March 1
Julia Bursten
University of Kentucky
"Scale Separation, Scale Dependence, and Multiscale Modeling in the Physical Sciences"
(flyer [pdf])
March 18
Tyke Nunez
University of Leipzig
"Kant and the Vicious Circle: Kant's Account of Particular Causal Cognition"
May 1 (Rosamond Kent Sprague Lecture)
Edward Halper
"Aristotle's Metaphysics as a Ruling Science" (flyer [pdf])
September 13
Ian Mcready-Flora
"The Reckoning Animal: Rationality in Aristotle" (flyer [pdf])
October 18
Duncan Purves
"Unjust Enrichment and the Consumption of Animal Products" (flyer [pdf])
November 12
Dina Mendonca
"A Deweyan Take on the Role of Immersion for Minds" (flyer [pdf])
Dec 6
Brookes Brown
"Do I Have a Duty to Read the News?"
February 2
Robert Hopkins
New York University
“Ryle-ing the Irreal: Sensory Imaging as Knowing about Sensing”
March 23
Keith DeRose
“The Limits of the Free Will Defense”
March 30
Alloy S. Ihuah
Benue State University
Aristotle’s Bifurcation of Reality and Asouzu’s “Ibuanyidanda Ontology”
April 20
Barry Loewer
“The Consequence Argument Meets the Mentaculus”
September 21
Mariska Leunissen
UNC Chapel Hill
“Credence, Circumstantial Evidence, and (Alternative) Facts”
October 12
Kevin Richardson
NC State University
“Do the Laws of Semantics Lie?”
November 16
Melissa Seymour Fahmy
University of Georgia
“How to Have Good Kantian Sex” (flyer [pdf])
February 10
Mark Wilson
University of Pittsburgh
“When Words Go Wrong”
February 23
Troy Jollimore
California State University, Chico
“Love and Reasons”
January 22
Sam Newlands
University of Notre Dame
“Spinoza, Leibniz, and the Metaphysics of Perfection”
March 25
R. Lanier Anderson
Stanford University
“Kantian Analyticity and the Critique of Metaphysics”
April 1
Michael Dunne
Maynooth University
Peter of Ireland: Teacher of Aquinas
April 22
Herlinde Pauer-Studer
“Law and Morality under Distorted Conditions”
September 11
Jeff Sebo
UNC Chapel Hill
“Moral Status and the Ethics of Uncertainty”
November 20
Alyssa Ney
UC Davis
“Are the Questions of Metaphysics More Fundamental Than Those of Science?”
January 31
Clinton Tolley
“The Systematic Importance of Kant’s Distinction between Cognition and Knowledge”
April 4
Martin Pickave
University of Toronto
“Why can a blind person not have knowledge of colors? On a puzzling example in Thomas
September 6
Aaron Simmons
Furman University
“Continental Contributions to the Epistemology of Theology”
September 27
Amy Schmitter
University of Alberta
“What Do Women Want in a Feminist History of Philosophy”
November 22
Molly Gardner
UNC Chapel Hill
“Counterfactuals, Harm, and Selecting for Disability”
December 11
Joseph Boyle
“What Intentional’ in ‘Intentional Action’ Refers to, and how We Know It”