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Department of Mathematics


Dr. Lili Ju awarded a DOE grant for research on AI for science

This project will develop a dynamic generative artificial intelligence (DyGenAI) paradigm to transform the generative AI methodology from a static paradigm into a computationally efficient dynamic paradigm.

Counting to Infinity: An Introduction to Math at USC - A Resounding Success!

On Friday, September 20th, the department hosted a vibrant Family Weekend Gathering titled Counting to Infinity: An Introduction to Math at USC in LC 108 (The Hedberg Student Lounge).

Dr. Yee Receives NSF Grant

Dr. Yee's project seeks to improve the instruction that novice college mathematics instructors recieve.

Dr. Vasquez Featured in Notices of the AMS

An article by Dr. Paula Vasquez titled "Multiscale Modeling of Viscoelastic Fluids" was featured in the September Issue of the Notices of the AMS

Dr. Lili Ju awarded an NSF grant

Dr. Lili Ju received a research grant from the NSF Division of Mathematical Sciences on "Structure-Preserving Linear Schemes for the Diffuse-Interface Models of Incompressible Two-Phase Flows with Matched Densities".

Multiple Instructors earn promotion.

Larita Hipp, Steven Derochers, and Brandy Barnette have been promoted to Senior Instructors.

Multiple Professors win DOE Grant

Yuwei Geng earns SPARC award

Her project, titled "Operator Learning for Phase Field Models and Simulations", aims to develop deep-learning-based methods to efficiently and accurately simulate phase field models.

Alumna Wins Multiple Awards

Math Department Alumna Robin Neumayer wins Association for Women in Mathematics Sadosky Research Prize and NSF Career Grant

DASIV Center hosts workshop on Neural Networks

The DASIV center will be hosting a workshop entitled "Focused Research Group Workshop on Variationally Stable Neural Networks". It will be hosted in Sumwalt 219 on February 16–17, with guest lecturers from various universities.

DeeAnn Moss receives Unsung hero Award

DeeAnn Moss is the 2023 recipient of the annual USC Institutional Academic Advising Award: Unsung Hero

Megan McKay awarded McCausland Innovation Award

Megan McKay was awarded McCausland Innovation fund of $10,916 for her project "Developing and Introducing AI examples in the new MATH 328"

George McNulty Endowed Fellowship Fund

To commemorate the passing of Dr. George McNulty this past June, the University has created the George McNulty Endowed Fellowship Fund.

USC-led NSF Focused Research Group wins award

This year, one of the few awardees is the multi-university research initiative "FRG: Collaborative Research: Variationally Stable Neural Networks for Simulation, Learning, and Experimental Design of Complex Physical Systems" led by the Math Department at USC.

"Math is Everything" event was a success!

We are thrilled to report that our "Math is Everything" event during USC's "Family Weekend" was a resounding success!

Danial Savu and Geoffery Dillon promoted to Senior Instructors

Provost Arnett has approved the promotion of both Danial Savu and Geoffery Dillon to Senior Instructors.

Dr. Qi Wang (USC PI) awarded an NSF RII Track-I grant.

A South Carolina team was awarded a $20 million NSF RII Track-1 grant for conducting research and development in "AI-enabled Devices for the Advancement of Personalized and Transformative Healthcare in South Carolina (ADAPT in SC)."

Dr. Qi Wang awarded SC GEAR grant

Drs Bruce Gao (Bioengineering of Clemson) and Qi Wang (Math of USC) were awarded a SC GEAR award ($60,000, 2/1/2023-7/31/2024).

Professor Changhui Tan awarded NSF CAREER Grant

Dr. Changhui Tan awarded an NSF CAREER grant for the project, ``Nonlocal partial differential equations in collective dynamics and fluid flow" from the Division of Mathematical Sciences. Considered one of the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards, this grant supports early-career faculty in both their research and educational missions.

Yi Sun uses mathematical modeling to advance research goals in biomedical engineering and public health

With Yi Sun’s help over the past decade, medical researchers are moving toward an innovation that could save thousands of lives each year: the development of 3-D printed artificial organs.

Frank Thorne and Zhu Wang promoted to Full Professor

Drs. Thorne and Wang were approved by the Board of Trustees to be promoted to Full Professor. Congratulations to both of them!

Wuchen Li awarded Air Force Award

Dr. Li was awarded a 2023 Air Force Young Investigator Research Program (YIP) on "Transport information geometric computations."

Dr. Yi Sun awarded an NSF Award

Dr. Yi Sun awarded a research grant by NSF Division of Mathematical Sciences.

Dr. Sean Yee wins a CAS McCausland Innovation Fund Award

In collaboration with Dr. Katherine Ryker (Geoscience Education Research), Dr. Yee's award will support interdisciplinary professional development for professional track faculty in the areas of pedagogy and learning.

Recent Ph.Ds Awarded NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

The prestigious fellowships were awarded to Alicia Lamarche (Ph.D, 2020) and Keller VandeBogert (Ph.D, 2021)


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