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My Arts and Sciences

Annual Review of Chairs and Directors

Online submission form for activity summary reports

The form below can be used to submit an individual faculty activity report and a chair/director activity report. A complete description of the review process and required steps can be found in the full Appointment and Review of Department Chairs and Directors policy.

QUESTIONS? Please contact your associate dean or with any questions about the review process types or the correct submission deadlines.


Report Type Due Date

Chair/Director ANNUAL Review Process

All chairs and directors should submit to the Dean’s Office a brief report of their administrative activities (2 pages) together with a summary of their individual activities in research, teaching, and service as faculty members. In addition, chairs and directors with tenure homes should submit their individual activities’ reports to their home department following their unit’s review process. Reports should cover activities from January 1 to December 31 of the preceding year.

January 15

Chair/Director REAPPOINTMENT Review Process 

Department chairs and directors who wish to be considered for reappointment should submit a brief report (2 pages) summarizing their administrative activities over the entirety of their administrative term. This report will be distributed to the unit faculty along with the online evaluation survey.

October 15

If you are unable to see a form above, please try the CAS Individual Faculty, Chairs and Directors Activity Report link. 

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
