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My Arts and Sciences

Dean's Initiatives

The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) offers several internal grant programs to support faculty excellence and teaching innovation.

Current Initiatives

Program Accepting Applications
Faculty Travel Support for Conferences, Seminars & Workshops: Round 1 September 13, 2024
Small Equipment Purchase Grants October 11, 2024
Faculty Research and Creative Scholarship Grants October 18, 2024
Faculty Travel Support for Conferences, Seminars & Workshops: Round 2 January 10, 2025
Graduate Assistantship Enhancement Program: Round 1 January 27, 2025
Graduate Assistantship Enhancement Program: Round 2 February 24, 2025
Faculty Travel Support for Conferences, Seminars & Workshops: Round 3 March 14, 2025
Graduate Assistantship Enhancement Program: Round 3 March 24, 2025
Excellence in Collaboration Grant March 31, 2025
NCFDD Faculty Success Program April 11, 2025
Book Manuscript Finalization Support Ongoing
Faculty Development Programs Ongoing

All Initiatives

Book Manuscript Finalization Support Program

Apply for up to $3000 to hire an individual to assist in verifying quotations, completing and checking citations, formatting references, tables and graphs, and/or to hire a contract indexer to prepare an index.  Faculty must have a secured contract for the book or edited volume; textbooks and books under advance contract are not eligible.

Excellence in Collaboration Grant

All CAS departments, schools and institutes may apply once per fiscal year for as much as $2,000. The types of projects accepted include those that stimulate sustainable culture-enhancing efforts within the college or support community-centered research for public impact.

Faculty Development Programs

Through a series of sessions, this program will introduce faculty participants to the resources of the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD), as well as other practical tips and information needed to be successful in their research, teaching, and service endeavors.

Faculty Success Program: NCFDD Fellowship

Apply for a fellowship to participate in the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD) Faculty Success Program.

Faculty Research and Creative Scholarship Grants

Apply for up to $10,000 in assistance for developing a new or completing an on-going research project. Arts, humanities, and social sciences projects are given priority.

Faculty Travel Support for Conferences, Seminars & Workshops

This initiative is intended to assist full-time (FTE) professional, tenure-track or tenured faculty members with funding of up to $1,500 to give one presentation at a conference, symposium, or workshop per year (initiative call). 

Graduate Assistantship Enhancement Program

Nominate a prospective student for a graduate assistantship enhancement. This program is designed to help departments in the college recruit top prospective graduate students into their terminal degree programs.  

Small Equipment Purchase Grants

Obtain up to $20,000 to purchase a single piece of equipment vital to your research. Priority will be given to research in the sciences. 


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
