The economy is thriving, but workers are not
December 17, 2018, Harris Pastides
President Harris Pastides details the critical issues related to workforce development, and the ways universities are working to combat them.
December 17, 2018, Harris Pastides
President Harris Pastides details the critical issues related to workforce development, and the ways universities are working to combat them.
December 11, 2018, Haemoon Oh
Dr. Haemoon Oh, Dean of the College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management, discusses the rising demand for senior citizen care and hospitality services in South Carolina.
December 10, 2018, Harris Pastides
President Harris Pastides discusses the bipartisan Higher Education Opportunity Act and its impact on the challenge of rising tuition in higher education.
November 29, 2018, Harris Pastides
President Harris Pastides discusses the profound impact and legacy of Bob McNair at the University of South Carolina.
November 28, 2018, Jeannette Andrews
Dean Jeannette Andrews addresses the ways USC College of Nursing is preparing students to meet increased demand for registered nurses in South Carolina.
November 14, 2018, Harris Pastides
USC addresses workforce demand in hospitality and tourism sectors by unveiling the new Hilton Head Island campus.
November 12, 2018, Harris Pastides
President Harris Pastides discusses the vital contributions of veterans to America's institutions of higher education.
November 01, 2018, Harris Pastides
President Pastides calls on South Carolina to commit to a moonshot against Alzheimer’s.
October 31, 2018, Scott Verzyl
Scott Verzyl, Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management and Dean of Undergraduate Admissions, discusses the success of the Gamecock Guarantee program. Began in 2008, this program provides first-generation students an opportunity to gain access to a quality education.
October 17, 2018, Tayloe Harding
Dean Tayloe Harding discusses the power of making music for everyone and the environment of excellence and joy in the UofSC School of Music.
October 10, 2018, Bill Kirkland
Bill Kirkland, Executive Director of the Office of Economic Engagement, discusses the importance of developing a trained future workforce and cultivating business partnerships at the University of South Carolina.
October 05, 2018, Harris Pastides
President Pastides shares his vision for the next 10 years at the University of South Carolina.
September 25, 2018, Harris Pastides
President Pastides highlights UofSC's innovative college pathways, including new programs to create greater access, affordability and flexibility for all South Carolinians.
August 31, 2018, Jon Pedersen
Dean Jon Pedersen addresses the South Carolina teacher shortage and why recruiting more students simply isn't enough.
August 15, 2018, Harris Pastides
President Pastides reflects on a decade of progress, growth, spirit and change.
June 28, 2018, Harris Pastides
University of South Carolina cultivates a spirit to build, not divide.
May 07, 2018, Harris Pastides
University and public safety officials increase safety measures and emergency situation preparedness.