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Division of Information Technology

Division of Information Technology currently hosts a Tableau server named CarolinaAnalytics. CarolinaAnalytics is USC’s analytics platform, managed by HelioCampus, offering a new model for higher education, and combining a powerful data platform with ongoing professional services. 

CarolinaAnalytics: Houses the leading USC system data visualizations in several executive dashboards. Training is required to access additional and more detailed views.

  • USC System-wide access
  • Secure University Data in cloud
  • 4 Core Data Domains
  • Dozens of validated dashboards
  • Pristine from Day One

CarolinaDataWorks: This is a project-based space available for users to create and share reporting content with other Tableau users on campus or within units. Work is organized in development folders and access is managed by designated project leaders. 

  • USC System-wide access
  • Secure University Data in cloud
  • No-charge ‘skunkworks’ site
  • Project space upon unit request
  • Self-management by units

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
