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Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning

Faculty Fellows

Faculty are an integral part of the Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning. Faculty Fellows serve as advocates for integrative learning and provide faculty perspectives and recommendations to CIEL. They support students in developing Graduation with Leadership Distinction e-portfolios and explore the application of integrative learning strategies to their own programs. Faculty Fellows collaborate with CIEL and one another to assess student learning and pursue scholarship opportunities including national presentations and publications. A Senior Faculty Associate leads coordination and professional development for instructors of UNIV 401 Graduation with Leadership Distinction.

Senior Faculty Associate

  • Placeholder Grid Image

    Matt Childs


2024 Faculty Fellows

  • placeholder

    Minuette Floyd

    Art Education

  • nh

    Nicole Hair

    Public Health

  • melanie

    Melanie Palomares


  • ew

    Beth Watson


 2024 Senior Faculty Fellows

  • wdb

    Wout De Backer

    Engineering and Computing

  • photo of Stephanie Milling

    Stephanie Milling

    Theatre & Dance

  • jp

    Jeremy Polley


  • ht

    Hengtao Tang


  • Michael Watson

    Mike Watson

    Retailing and the Gamecocks iHub


Faculty Fellows

Faculty who initiated their work with us in earlier years are considered on-going Faculty Fellows.  Most continue to serve as advocates for integrative learning throughout the university, and many return regularly to work with GLD students. 

Name Dept Year Keywords
(hidden column)
Lindy Beaver Nursing 2021  
Marianne Bickle Hospitality, Retail, and Sport Management 2019  
Nate Carnes Instruction and Teacher Education 2021  
Matt Childs History 2018  
Bentley Coffey Economics 2017  
Holly Crocker English Language and Literature 2019  
Amanda Dalola Languages, Literatures and Cultures 2020  
Lara Ducate Languages, Literatures and Cultures 2017  
Kelly Goldberg Anthropology 2022  
Casey Goldston Giraudy Health Promotion, Education and Beahavior 2020  
Andrew Graciano Visual Art and Design 2020  
John Grady Sport and Entertainment Management 2017  
Kristina Grob Social Sciences and Education, USC Sumter 2021  
Stuart Hunter University 101 Programs 2018  
Shamia Hoque Engineering & Computing 2022  
Keith Kenney Visual Communications 2018  
Laura Kissel Visual Arts and Design 2017  
Seulghee Lee African American Studies, English Language & Literature 2020  
Elise Lewis Library and Information Science 2016  
Bridget Miller Instruction and Teacher Education 2018  
Stephanie Milling Theatre and Dance 2017  
Melissa Moss Chemical and Biomedical Engineering 2019  
Crystal Murillo Nursing 2022  
Daniel Ostergaard International Business 2019  
Caryn Outten Chemistry and Biochemistry 2020  
Marj Pena Biological Sciences 2018  
Charlie Pierce Civil and Environmental Engineering 2017  
Tammi Richardson Biological Sciences, Earth, Ocean & Environment 2020  
David Rocheleau Mechanical Engineering 2019  
George Roy Instruction and Teacher Education 2017  
Hannah Rule English Language and Literature 2021  
Howie Scher Earth, Ocean and the Environment 2019  
Hayden Smith Criminology and Criminal Justice 2020  
Simon Tarr Visual Arts and Design 2017  
Stephen Thompson Science Education 2018  
Myriam Torres Public Health 2018  
Mark Uline Chemical and Biomedical Engineering 2020  
Jeff Vaughn Spark: Carolina's Music Leadership Laboratory 2018  
Amanda Wangwright Visual Arts and Design 2017  
Michael Watson Retailing 2022  
John Weidner Chemical Engineering 2017  
Elizabeth White Instruction and Teacher Education 2019  
Scott White Earth, Ocean, and the Environment 2018  
Dustin Whitehead Theatre & Dance 2022  
Terry Wolfer Social Work 2021  
Wout De Backer Engineering and Computing 2023  
Minuette Floyd Art Education 2024  
Nicole Hair Public Health 2024  
Melanie Palomares Psychology 2024  
Jeremy Polley Music 2023  
Melissa Reitmeier Social Work 2023  
Hengtao Tang Education 2023  
Beth Watson Business 2024  
Kasie Whitener Business 2023  

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
