The SOAR program is an eight-week summer experience for USC SOM rising M2 students, allowing them to engage with faculty mentors in a variety of research and/or scholarly activities. Projects span the research spectrum including basic science, translational, and clinical research, as well as projects centered on health care quality and patient safety improvements, and educational research initiatives. Interested students and mentors submit applications in the fall, followed by a selection and matching process designed to pair students' interests with mentors' expertise. This structure creates a nurturing atmosphere where both students and faculty can effectively utilize and enhance their expertise and skills.
- Student applicants must be enrolled at USC SOM and completing their first year of medical school.
- Prior research experience is not required.
- Allstudents will need to prerequisites & training before the beginning of the program .
- Students participate for a minimum of 37.5 hours per week for 8 weeks between mid-May and late July
- Selected SOAR students will receive a stipend of $2,500
- Student attendance to SOAR Seminars is mandatory.
- Students must present about their project during the SOM Graduate Student Seminar and submit an abstract to Discover USC.
- Faculty mentors must describe their project idea(s) on the Mentor Application. Projects must have IRB/IACUC approval (if necessary) before the beginning of the program.
- The selection committee will attempt to match students and mentors based on mutual interests.
- Selected faculty mentors will receive $500 to help defray the cost of research.
- Fall/Winter: Mentor and Student Applications Due
- Spring: Matching Process & Announcements
- Summer: SOAR Internships & Seminar Series
- After SOAR: SOM Graduate Seminar and Discover USC
Frequently Asked Questions
Our SOAR FAQ's should be able to answer many of the questions you may have about our program, application process, acceptance, and project timeline.