Engagement Details

BIOL 203: Exploration of Infectious Diseases Abroad


What to Expect

Location: London, England

Dates: 5/14/24-5/25/24

Course Description:
The purpose of the course is to provide a basic overview of pathogens. This course connects two devastating diseases (Cholera and Bubonic Plague) to the responsible pathogen and describes how this pathogen promotes disease. In this course, students will learn how these pathogens cause symptoms in patients and how the patient’s immune system is involved. This course covers the historical aspects of these infectious diseases and how these pathogens have influenced human health throughout history. This course also covers how scientific breakthroughs have been discovered and how scientists and doctors have learned to treat and diminish these pathogens. This course analyzes the ethical consequences associated with each pathogen and its treatment strategies and seeks to understand how humans and modern medicine have been affected in the context of justice. Finally, in this course, students will travel to areas in Europe to gain perspective of these diseases. This experiential component will help students witness the impacts of these diseases on people, villages, community, and medical advancement.

Term: Ongoing

Participation Instructions: See program requirements to determine student eligibility.



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